Starfleet Intel

Let’s face it: Savage Worlds needs some work to make games using the system fun. The following rules are little minor (and some not-so-minor) changes that I feel improve the fun factor of the game.

You begin play knowing how to read and write a number of languages equal to half your Smarts Die type. One of these languages must be your native tongue, and your second language must be the Universal common tongue of your setting (if there is one).

Wild Cards & Wounds
A Wild Card cannot take more than 1 Wound in a single attack. A good damage roll can take an undamaged person to Shaken and -1, but no one should be one-hit by a 2d4 damage roll with endless Aces. This also applies to Wild Card Villains as well, so, it works both ways!

Skill Changes
I have mashed together a few skills into one broader skill, because nobody in their right mind should have to waste valuable Skill Points on Boating and Driving, when they should both be covered under one Skill (Navigation).

Also, several Skills now have a choice of two Traits that they are linked to. For instance, Fighting is now linked to the better of your Agility OR Strength Traits. I did this for a number of Skills to reflect different Traits aiding in the use of a Skill. For instance, someone with the Heal skill who is a Doctor in a technologically advanced setting would use Smarts as their Trait for the Heal Skill, but a savage Witch Doctor in a more primitive setting could easily use Spirit to accomplish the same (basic!) results. The new Skill list is presented below for ease of use.

Revised Skill List
Aim (Agility) [Combines Shooting and Throwing)
Athletics (Strength or Agility) [Combines Swimming/Riding/Climbing]
[NEW SKILL] Computer (Smarts)
Fighting (Strength or Agility)
Gambling (Smarts or Spirit)
Healing (Smarts or Spirit)
Intimidation (Smarts or Strength)
Investigation (Smarts)
Knowledge (Smarts)
Lockpicking (Agility)
Navigation (Agility) [Combines Piloting/Boating/Driving]
Notice (Smarts)
[NEW SKILL] Performance (Spirit)
Persuasion (Spirit)
Repair (Smarts)
Stealth (Agility)
Streetwise (Smarts)
Survival (Smarts or Spirit)
Taunt (Smarts)
Tracking (Smarts or Spirit)

Revised Skill: Knowledge
No one should have to waste valuable Skill Points purchasing the Knowledge Skill again and again just to have a learned character. You may choose one Area of Knowledge equal to half your Knowledge Skill die. For instance, someone with a Knowledge skill at d6 could pick 3 Areas of Knowledge. Examples of Areas of Knowledge are Science, Tactics, Archaeology, Occult, History, Mathematics, Chemistry, Botany, Law, Art History, or any other subject that an egghead might want to study up on.

New Skill: Computer (Smarts)
This skill covers all manner of Computer related tasks, such as setting up networks, researching difficult to find information, as well as hacking and subverting computerized defense systems. Note that this Skill is not required for basic Computer use. Someone without this skill can browse the Internet, work email and Google filthy pictures of famous people. Knowledge of this skill is a deeper understanding of more complex aspects of the technology. Obviously, this skill is only available in settings where such technology exists.

New Skill: Performance (Spirit)
If you want to entertain, delight or amaze with any sort of performance, this is the skill for you. This Skill is a catch-all for several different mediums of performance, and someone with this skill may choose a number of mediums that they are proficient with equal to half their Performance Skill die. Therefore, someone with Performance d8 may select 4 Mediums in which they are proficient. Example Mediums include: Singing, Dancing, Acting, Stand-Up Comedy, Mime, or any kind of Instrument of Choice.  

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